What type of role would you most like to see Savannah Ostler in next?

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Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!!!

All I want for Christmas is to share my story with the world!! Can you help?

Follow this link to see how you can!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Check out this new magazine article!! :)

Hello blogger friends!!
It has been too long since my last blog entry... why, you ask? Well, my reasons are good. I promise! ;) I've been working, writing, and performing. Those are good enough reasons, right? :)

I wanted to share this article with you from LA's "Splash Magazine"! Click the link here: Savannah Ostler in Splash Magazine!

Hope you like!! I wake up with hope each morning knowing that each and every day is one day closer to reaching my goals!! Reese W., I cannot wait to meet you!! :)

Keep dreaming!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My dream!!

Hello bloggers!!

Boy, it has been a while!! And I apologize for that. :( But I have been really busy just marketing myself in Hollywood!! So far, it's been going great!!

I visited Reese's star on Hollywood Blvd. the other day. Check out the video I made!! :)

Savannah dreams of working with Reese Witherspoon!!  

This is my ultimate dream. To work with Reese in a movie!! What is your dream??! Post below! :)

Savannah AKA "The Girl In PINK!"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hello fellow bloggers!

Well, I figured it's time to update the 'ol blog!!

I wanted to share this quote by Thomas Edison today:
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." –Thomas Edison

It's sooo true, isn't it?? A lot of time, people will give up right when they are so clreaching their goal!! I just think of this anytime the thought of giving up even tries to come across my mind.

That's why you can NEVER give up!! You don't know how close you are!

That's it for now, until next time... ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!!

-Savvy :) 

Monday, February 28, 2011


Hello wonderful people!

I have some great news! An awesome music producer in LA took a chance on me and together we wrote 2 singles! They are now up on itunes! YES!

The 1st song is called " Prince Charming" It is inspired by all the guys in my life.... past, present, and future :)

The 2nd song, a ballad, is called " Light up my days". It is inspired by my dear sweet Grandma and other loved ones we all have that are watching over us and helping us.

Please check them out! Here is the link. Savannah's Songs on iTunes!
Thank you so very much. I really hope you like them!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Interview up!

Hello blogger friends!

Please check out this interview:

Let me know what you think! One step at a time in this biz! :)


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well, here I am! Back in LA. Things have been moving at super sonic speed ever since I've been back! This is the first chance I've had to sit back and actually do some laundry and blog!  So glamorous. ;)
Life is really short, so why not live the life you imagined? Go for the American Dream. Who cares if people don't approve. You owe it to yourself!

That's what I feel, anyway. I owe this to myself. If you're like me, there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think about my dreams.

Anything is possible. Just believe in yourself and have faith! Watch this video and you'll see what I mean! This is such a wonderful  and truly inspiring story of determination!! What an incredible dog. Makes me cry every time. JUST HAVE FAITH!